Stone Fire PitFall in Indiana is dreamy. The cool temperatures, the changing colors, and a clear autumn night set the perfect backdrop for you and your friends to gather outdoors. You’re ready to sip hot apple cider, roast marshmallows, and cozy up next to an outdoor fire. However, what you may be missing is the ultimate fire pit. But don’t despair. Stonesmiths, Inc. of Indianapolis can give you a few tips to create a fire pit that you and your friends will gather around for years to come.

1. Select a prime spot.

Survey your backyard, and look for a good spot to build your fire pit. You don’t want to be too close to trees or structures, but if you have an outdoor kitchen or patio, you may not want to venture too far away.

2. Get a good plan together.

Before you start stacking stones and call it a fire pit, get a plan together. Do some research about the process, dimensions, materials needed, and so on. You can find some great articles out there that take you through plans step by step, in case you’re the DIY type. However, if you aren’t, you can always hire someone skilled in outdoor projects (like Stonesmiths) who can take your vision and make it come to life.

3. Choose quality stone products.

Chintzy stone and rock materials will only result in a sub-par fire pit. You want to select premium stone products that are built to last and look fantastic (now and in the future). To guarantee you get quality stones, stop by Stonesmiths of Indianapolis. We have top-of-the-line products like granite, marble, recycled stone, and more. We can help you select the right stone for your fire pit that will stand the heat and look great.

With a little help from Stonesmiths, you can have the perfect fire pit this fall and for many more to come. To find out more or to get a quote, contact us anytime at (317) 770-1333.


photo credit: stone-fire-pit via flickr license

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